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How to understand and produce good arguments at university

How to understand and produce good arguments at university

Article update with video of the event

How to understand and produce good aguments at university

Arguments are one of the most important aspects of university study, in any subject.

In this workshop, we consider how to both understand and build arguments in your discipline, and why that is the foundation of everything else that you will do as a student. Rather than approaching this as a set of rules to be learned, the session will offers a set of questions that you can use to approach your own course and develop your own skills in argumentation, whatever context you find yourself in.

What is an argument?

Standing on the shoulders of giants

How to understand and produce good arguments at university

By Dave Rush - Dave Rush is Student Development Manager at Skills for Success at University of Essex
With a particular interest in teaching writing, critical thinking and reading skills. He is the author of Build Your Argument (SAGE, 2020) and The Essential Guide of Building Your Argument (SAGE, 2023).

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